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CMS nursery “Il Paese dei colori” reopened in complete safety!

Strengthened by the experience gained during the summer camp, the educators of “I nuovi Orsetti” opened the nursery already “trained” to the new anti-Covid rules, observing all the safety instructions provided by the Decree issued by the President of Emilia Romagna n. 157 of August 7th 2020. Sections remained unchanged in the number of children and in the numerical relationship with educators, but each section is like a separated “bubble” from the other ones and it can make use of reserved spaces both inside and outside.

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This led to a small reorganization: the large space of the living room was divided into two parts, with the dressing cabinets, in order to create two separate reception areas with their own entrance. The same for the garden, which was divided into two parts, each belonging to a section, through a small fence. The garden is the focus of the educational project proposed to our little guests. Any parent or any person used to approach and work with children knows how much they become aware of their body by experiencing.

Moving is the first learning factor: discovering, running, jumping, searching… all these activities make children live pleasant and satisfying sensations in gestures control, in movements coordination; this allows them to experience both power and limits of their physicality, developing at the same time awareness of uncontrolled movements’ risks.

The project of our company nursery “Il Paese dei colori” is based on outdoor education and recognizes the external environment as a privileged place for children’s psychophysical development. Its main feature lies in exploratory, observational, manipulative freedom, which can be used by children in order to relate to the external environment, accruing, through concrete and direct experiences, knowledge, skills and competences.

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Contact with nature helps to develop the perception of reality through all senses, it expands the range of experience and allows to feel empathy towards the living world. Going outdoor means using what environment and nature make available: rain, snow, wind, soil, mud, plants in the various seasons, animals hidden among the vegetation, on the ground or underground and so on…

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So…green light to boots, waterproof capes and caps… without any fear of getting dirty!


  • lavorazioni meccaniche conto terzi

    Elena Salda

    CEO, Hr Manager e Communication Manager